Gustavo Toledo / Shutterstock.com
Compared to America’s “The Big Apple”, Toronto is not as big but is as, if not more, majestic and the New York City. Being the fourth largest of Canada’s cities, Toronto is big on being a hub for what is hip and happening in Canada. It is a reputation that noted as the New York Times listed the town in its “52 Places to visit in 2016”; giving Toronto the seventh position on the list.
The city has caught up with the big players such as Montreal and Vancouver in terms of annual visitors. It had over 14.3 million visitors in 2014. Its demeanor that is less intimidating and noticeably friendlier than the other cities may be the reason it has caught the interest of travelers.
Summer is always the best time of the year to head on to Toronto. The sights and sounds are just to “die for”; a joy to experience. But then again, even when the cold weather comes knocking, the town still has plenty to offer, and you should plan to visit someday, soon. In regards to hospitality, Toronto has an array of hotels to choose from at affordable prices.
Many prefer the Chelsea Hotel because of its size and location. The hotel has 1,500 rooms to choose from and is located next to the Eaton Center shopping mall. The Center houses a lobby bar, two restaurants, a nightclub, shopping malls, and two pools (an outdoor and an indoor pool) as well as a kids’ indoor water park.
A walk in Distillery District is sure to be fun as you explore the different shops and took a stroll through Allen Gardens. Head down to the Carbon Bar for some mouthwatering barbecue-themed gourmet meal after having a day of some spectacular sightseeing. The bar is among the many trending eating joints in Toronto for both the locals and visitors.
With a full belly, head over to the Royal Alexandria Theatre to watch “Kinky Boot”, a dazzling upbeat musical whose casts included Alan Mingo among others who mostly were Canadian actors. The theater was constructed in 1907 and is among the many other architectural sights in Toronto that include museums and galleries.
However, the main structural attraction is the CN Tower, an 1815ft free standing structure and it’s the third tallest tower in the world. It was completed in 1976 and stands as one of the iconic parts of Toronto’s skyline. From its revolving gourmet restaurant, you can have a magnificent view of the Niagara Falls. Speaking of dining, the Bannock, Sassafras, Mildred’s Temple Kitchen, and the Sultan’s Tent as jus some of the best eateries you will find in Toronto.
So, we can conclude that no visit to this upbeat town would be complete without visiting the falls. It is one thing to view the Niagara Falls from afar, atop the skyscrapers and another to be a few feet away from the freefalling water and hearing the raging sounds of the water as is blazing water sprays hits you. In a unique way, Toronto was a mix of cultural surprises, and you will enjoy every minute of your visit there.