Travel Hacks for Frequent Travelers

Woman looking at a map

So you’ve started traveling more frequently lately, or you’ve been traveling for a while, traveling by air can be daunting, more than you know. Even for seasoned travelers, long-haul trips are a scary idea. Read through our list of travel tips that will help you avoid the hassles of frequent flying:

  • Back up Important Documents in the Form of Electronic Data:

Back up documents that would be catastrophic to lose, such as passport, travel insurance policy, itinerary confirmations etc. You can use a remote approach and put backups on a service like Dropbox, or for even more security, use, which uses encrypted and password-protected security process to protect your information while allowing access from any Internet-connected computer.

  •  Pack Like A Pro:

The rule of thumb, for frequent flyers, is smaller the suitcase, the better. A bulky suitcase adds to unnecessary strain and don’t forget about the extra luggage money you have to pay at the airport counter! To create more space in your bag, use a vacuum compressor. Simply roll up your clothes, seal them in vacuum bag to squeeze the air out and you’re ready to go.

  •  Check Multiple Airline Seating Chart Websites:

Airlines sometimes change their seat configuration and numbering systems. During these states of flux, even reliable sites may not be in position to provide 100 percent accurate information. If the airline, you’re boarding, has undergone recent changes, it’ll be wise to check more than one seat review site to ensure you’re getting the most current info.

  •  Get Friendly with Your Smartphone:

Traveling has become a lot easier than ever before, thanks to the abundance of apps you can download at your fingertips. There are many important apps for business travelers which you can download to make your travel easier and better. One noteworthy example is Tripit. Using this app you can have an access to your flight details, hotel bookings, meeting information, etc. on your smartphone, accessible whenever you want. iTranslate is another app which comprises of over 80 languages so that won’t have to stumble over your words while trying to order the chicken special at a local cafe.

  •  Minimize Jet Lag by Eating Right:

Lay off caffeine and booze as they tend to dehydrate, making jet lag worse. Eating meals that is served at your destination can help adjust to your circadian rhythm, which is disturbed due to Jet lag. If the processed food served on planes dehydrates you, skip a meal and prefer healthy snacks that are high in protein.

  •  Sleep Right:

Jet lag i.e. when you cross time zones a lot faster than your body can adapt, it takes a day to adjust according to every time zone when traveling west, and almost two days when traveling east. However, you can cut down on this recovery time by loading up on sleep before your trip, as well as shifting meals and bedtime closer to those at your destined place. This takes some forward planning, but if you can, start going to bed an hour earlier each night and getting up an hour earlier each morning a few days before heading east, and an hour later each night/morning for a few days before heading west.

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